Director of EcoArt Systems Australia Catherine van Wilgenburg’s interdisciplinary collaborative EcoArt practice straddles painting, performance art, installation and community cultural development projects. It is inspired by relationships with Wurundjeri elders and environmental scientists at Iramoo Grassland Reserve, St Albans & Cairnlea in Melbourne’s West and now with Gunaikurnai elders and GLaWAC in East Gippsland.
- Jigsaws for drawing on for small groups to map roles and responsibilities, governance for structuring projects
- Temporary Tattoos of endangered species to embody fauna and flora for festivals, stalls, school workshops, conferences
- Cards & Card making workshops incorporating stamps of local endangered species
- Paintings and Prints exploring the decolonisation journey
- Aerial ecological artworks to regenerate endangered habitats with school and community group participation
Current projects include:
- Oneonta Environment Education Centre (See Projects)
- Nungurner Nature/Cultural Trail (See Projects)
- Chain of Ponds Collaboration Bunjil & Bandicoots Flight Path (See Projects)
Born British, Catherine travelled throughout Europe before teaching in Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea, where she experienced Indigenous life and death ceremonies connecting to land and spiritual life. Arriving in Australia she studied Visual Art at the South Australian School of Art and developed her arts practice through working in culturally diverse communities throughout Australia.
For more details, please see Catherine's complete CV and her Arts & Education CV.

Catherine van Wilgenburg
Director of EcoArt Systems Australia
MA Vis Arts, B.Ed.